Users of Lutz Fertilizer Spikes say...
"In 9 months, it is very impressive new green growth. Love to see them in a good spot."
Before Afte 9mo.
Ron Farr, Texas
"I tried a lot of 'juices' for about 2-3 years to help this Pin Oak out but it only got worse every spring/year and feared it would die. Nursery said there was nothing we could do for it - yea right - but your stuff did the trick."
Before Lutz Iron Spikes After 10mo. & 20 spikes
"Hong Kong Orchid Tree: this tree's leaves got yellower and lost them all. We used Lutz Iron Spikes after talking to Mr. Lutz. He said the new growth would be perfect. Voila!"
Before (5/7/14) After (8/24/14)
Mary Ellis, Surprise, AZ
Lutz Corporation has been manufacturing the highest quality Palm Tree Spikes for over 30 years. We use only the highest quality nutrients, in far higher percentages, than other fertilizer spikes.
Lutz Palm Spikes have been specifically formulated to effectively feed and fertilize all types of Palms and their common deficiencies. Our Lutz Palm Spikes have proven unmatched in their ability to restore and maintain healthy, vibrant, green growth in all Palms. We make specific Spikes for Manganese, Magnesium, and Potassium deficiencies, as well as our most popular Spike, the Lutz Maintenance Spike, which also contains Iron, Copper, and Sulfur.
Lutz Tree Spikes are the simple, long lasting way to feed and fertilize all trees and shrubs. All of our Lutz Tree Spikes contain vital nutrients, including Sulfur, which lowers pH, and is critical in making all of the macro and micro nutrients available to the tree or shrub.
Simply check your product labels and you will find the quality and quantity of nutrients in our Lutz Spikes are unparalleled. That is why Lutz Spikes work so well.
Thank you, and best of health to your trees,

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